There and back again...
So here I am in Wells. I'll be here for the foreseeable few months - possibly for the rest of the year. I'm in the process of acclimatising. I haven't really spoken to the locals yet. There's a kind of passive/aggressiveness you get in some of the shops here - as though you're in their house, their rules, and you'd better watch out - that you don't get so much of in cities.
Big fish in small ponds and all that.
You also get boy racers whose exhaust pipes are considerably more expensive than the cars they're attached to.
I guess I'm prejudiced about my old home town. Most of us who went to the cities are. That's part of the reason we left in the first place.
I will be going back to London frequently, in fact from Sunday 13th August I'll be overnighting it weekly for gaming purposes. I'll also be visiting friends around the South East and other far-off places too.
I've also got D&G on Mondays (D&D for dyslexics) which we play on Zoom.
However, I am going to be spending the midweek in Wells so I need to do some gaming. My sister put me onto the local community Facebook group and already we have a very enthusiastic posse of people who wish to play D&D, and a venue too.
That's a pretty good start I'd say.
Anyone joined this? It's like Facebook with strangers. It's for the most part rather anodyne in comparison to the highly toxic 'X', formerly known as Twitter.
I searched for 'Dementia' on there to see what was going on. Some Americans calling themselves 'The Dementia Guru' and such like. I'm sure they'd give Professor Warren a run for his money. (Joke.)
I get very annoyed at people setting themselves up like this - as though they're experts without any qualifications or true expertise, and give out advice like:
"Tomorrow is another day."
"Overthinking will lead to sadness."
"Your thoughts affect your moods."
Sadly, people lap this tripe up.
I was going to give up on Threads but I saw a famous person on there who was undergoing brain-mapping as she'd suffered brain fog and tinnitus for years.
'Hey! Join the gang.' I thought. I told her about my situation and wished her well and said I was interested to see the results. She got back to me with a lovely reply wishing me well too.
She has a reputation as an absolutely lovely person and I saw no reason to disbelieve it.
Needless to say certain family members are rather 'jel' at my new friendship! Lol.
I am that shallow, as it turns out.
My sister has a lovely cocker spaniel puppy. He let me walk him up through Wells - no one other than my sister has managed to get him further than the end of the drive.
We got on really well.
One of my dog friends. |
I need dogs in my life. I'm missing the 3 at home - lazy Wilbur, sweet, barky Chip and stubborn Stan. It's lovely every time you come downstairs in the morning or back from whatever and they're so pleased to see you.
They give you love and exercise. And that's great.
I also need to sort out swimming although I'm a bit hesitant as I haven't been for years.
More to come, hopefully more regularly.
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