That weird hinterland
I'm glad my last post about Mat went down well with those closest to him. I'm often told I'm too honest - say stuff that should remain unsaid. Too personal, too embarrassing to be shared.
Maybe it's because some friends of mine when I was 18 said they didn't know me as I guess I didn't want to show any vulnerabilities. Since then I've tried to be more me.
It's been a struggle, with my inclination to share the WRONG stuff.
At least I trod the correct path with the last post. Last thing I'd want to do is upset people, especially those who matter most to me.
So now the wait for the funeral, which will be a huge affair. Mat was very popular.
Mat wasn't a divisive figure in any way. He was very thoughtful, upfront and decent. He didn't suffer fools, but who of us do?
Tolerance? Mehhhh.
Funerals are weird things - Nervousness, sombreness, grief, more grief, relief that that part of the day is over, then revelry - celebration of the life lived.
The older I get the more I appreciate and understand the nature of funerals. There are many ways to deal with death - every culture has theirs. None of them I guess are 100% the correct answer, but at least they are a response and provide a collective grieving period, and a conduit for feelings and the many emotions, which is cathartic.
My world shrinking ever more. Now I have 2 screens I would say I now only need half the space of my mancave.
I've played over 600 hours of Baldur's Gate 3. That's a lot of hours.
The other side of my room full of books and a nice chair to read in, is barely used.
Perhaps I could rent it out? |
The screens are too tempting.
That's really rubbish.
I'm also forgetting to write my diary every other night. Not that there's much to go in there, but pages are left blank. It's a catharsis thing as I never read them, but I have kept them all since 1986.
Philippa Perry in her book "How to stay sane" recommends keeping a diary and meditation. It's excellent advice, although I've dropped the meditation bit.
I let a friend of mine read my diary when I was at art college. She said "I wish I was you, Geraint."
She wasn't being sarcastic (I'm sure!), but I've always wondered what she meant by that.
I'm not reading anything either. I sat in a cafe to read "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" and read the first chapter. But it's taken me a week to get round to doing just that.
I am witness to certain faculties eroding.
On the upside...I completed my 5th or 6th run-through of Baldur's Gate 3 on the PC. Only 600 hours of my life has been spent playing this game.
Still, I'm a long way off Larry who has spent 7,650 hours of his life (10 and a half months) playing Lord of The Rings Online.
There's a challenge...
The sad 60 year old sat at the bar embarrassing himself in his drunkeness, trying to flirt with the young bar staff and whom no one wishes to engage with.
The lost old guys who drink steadily from 11 till 4 everyday at Wetherspoon's. Resigned to their fates, they vacate their seats one at a time until they are entirely replaced by another group of unhappy old men.
I don't and I won't be any of those people.
I drank too much on Saturday night after a lovely evening with Nerys and Ben. I just stopped in at The White Hart on the way home and had probably 3 more drinks. I bumped into a nice person who'd just finished work. It was 12.30 when I got home.
The next day was a write-off.
I've pretty much disgusted myself at my own inability to stop once I start. So much so that I haven't drunk for 3 days. I don't feel any compunction to do so either.
I usually have a couple of beers after DMing on a Thursday just to decompress after the event.
But it's too expensive to drink and it is doing my brain no good at all. That and ultra-processed food.
Fear of the chair?? Ukrainian colours, bit disrespectful to place a bum upon it, perhaps that's putting you off reading.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't thought of that. So if I put a Russian flag there I'll sit on it?