I realise you don't want to talk about politics
I get it. I do .
The last post had the fewest clicks in years. Lol.
But really. Come on...
Okay, okay, I'll stop.
I'll talk about FTD then, and all my problems associated with it.
But I'll try and keep it light.
Baby-bio for brains
We set the bar too low these days. My experience at the Beeb was that the programme-makers thought the audience were completely stupid. I was told to rewrite certain parts of the fact-sheet that accompanied the programme as it contained words longer than one syllable.
I'm not making this up.
Yet the people making the programme were rather dull themselves.
Educated, yes. Clever, no.
I guess it could be perceived as projection. I think they thought they were really intelligent. They were certainly deluded if they did think that.
Now the bar is so low in the Kensington museums that a bright 12 year old would probably feel he or she were being talked down to.
More relatable, innit?
When your brain is atrophying, you have to try harder than ever to keep those plates spinning - voice, language - stimulating it by using those senses, completing sudokus and crosswords. Keep pumping oxygen and blood through the grey matter and fight against the inevitable to maintain functionality for as long as possible.
I play RPG games as you know, which require multiple skills.
I still need social-interaction which can - with people I don't know so well - be awkward.
I understand this is very much how certain people with autism experience the world.
I want to be really smart, but...
I watch discussion programmes and lectures on politics and philosophy which are beyond my pay-grade, but how else are you supposed to learn or achieve anything if you don't set the bar high?
So I've been watching anything with Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Fry, Vlad Vexler, and archival episodes of Firing Line - a highbrow interview programme which was the vehicle (I cannot spell vehical, vehichal, veichal!) of William F Buckley Jr, a conservative political philosopher who hugely influenced the Reagan administration.
Now before you all say I'm drifting off to the right hear me out.
Being in an echo-chamber is something I try to avoid. I inevitably take the role of devil's advocate when everyone is earnestly nodding heads and wringing hands. There is a prevailing belief these days that our political opponents are not only wrong but inherently bad.
No doubt some of them are - and I don't even count alt- or far-right wingers whose bigotry I have no time for. I want to understand conservatives and have my beliefs challenged.
I want to be able to think. And the freest societies allow both sides.
Buckley and Gore Vidal famously debated on The ABC network on the advent of the 1968 US election.
They hated each other and Buckley got close to punching Vidal live on the programme when Vidal goaded him by calling him a Nazi.
Vidal was extremely clever, a master of rhetoric, charismatic, smug, arrogant and a member of the US aristocracy (for they have one).
A drunk Norman Mailer famously head-butted Vidal backstage from a Dick Cavett show in the early 70s. So Vidal had quite the track record.
But while I disagree fundamentally with almost all of Buckley's politics, he challenges, makes some very interesting and persuasive arguments and his interviews on the whole are good-natured and are an exchange or arm-wrestle of ideas.
He had mannerisms and affectations along with a mid-Atlantic drawl (he spent some of his childhood in public school in Windsor) which made him very easy to impersonate.
I cannot - CANNOT - listen to Noam Chomsky. He's so unutterably dull and intransigent. His views to me seem rather stuck in the 1970s.
Ditto Mailer, who spent his life trying to out-Hemingway Hemingway. He was an anachronism by the late 60s.
So anyway, that's what I'm doing.
Dad's downstairs watching 'Cash in the Attic'.
I would like to sit downstairs and read or something, but I can't concentrate with that on.
It occurred to me that Dad may have ADHD - he needs background noise.
Everyday. By the skipful. I dream them. I wake up with them.
If you have none I think you're in total denial of reality or your self.
All the fuck-ups from childhood to present day, although the vast majority are from age 25-40.
Not standing up for myself, being drunk and stupid, losing all hope and drive in my late 20s, which I realise was depression.
Usually just episodes of patheticness.
Yesterday I went into Wells, I had 3 pints in the afternoon and sat in the pub with my headphones on and read. It got really busy .
In the evening I drank 3 bottles of beer. So, a 6-pint day.
Last Saturday was a 9-pint day. 4 in the afternoon, 5 in the evening. On my own, in the pub.
Not good is it? I didn't even feel particularly drunk, though I screamed at some balaclava'd youth cycling on the pavement with no lights on his bike.
Arthritis is taking hold of my fingers and shoulders too.
Yet, whilst just listing these things I don't feel self-pity, rather frustration at past failures to make constructive decisions coupled with a total incapability of planning for the future.
I don't know how you'd plan for the past...
I am, however, very bored.
Have I kept it light?
Try this then:
"Do you do dice swaps?"
Asked the 10 year old girl.
"Do you do dice swaps?"
"What?? Certainly not!" I replied, incredulously. While inwardly raging "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN!!!"
She looked puzzled. Everyone does dice swaps, surely?
Why would I want her glittery dice, all covered in sticky, sugary child-goo?
'Gusting. 'GUSTING!
What was she thinking?
There was an uncomfortable silence as we realised we inhabited 2 separate worlds.
These are MY dice. Those are YOUR dice. And never...the...twain. Do you understand?
Then we'll speak no more about it.
![]() |
No, no, NO! |
She hung around awkwardly for a bit, then walked off.
I think she learned a valuable lesson from that, and she'll thank me one day, mark my words.
And as for the teenagers who neglect to bring a dice and pencil to a role-playing game - A ROLE-PLAYING GAME!!!!! - then wish to borrow MY dice and stationery to duly SOIL with their greasy and detritus-laden fingers?
What is this?
What has the world come to?
Standards have slipped since my day. I blame the permissive society and post war funk.
I could go on.
Oh. Okay...
I'm surprised your last post got the fewest clicks; I thought pictures of cute animals were the route to social media success :)
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought too. I guess people saw past my ruse...
DeleteI enjoyed the politics and Wilbur's obituary very much. I would imagine people everywhere were in deep shock about US election, and hiding behind the sofa, but it's important to grasp that Trump won because they won the journalism all types, and outplayed Dems hands down. If you're autistic or allied trades(heavy weaponised MH conditions that have it the spectrum) then you see all this stuff, but people laugh at you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I don’t know who you are so could you put your name on here if you don’t mind? Yes, I was guilty of only hearing one side of the debate, but the election was won on the bottom line - the money in your purse - which had decreased over the Biden presidency. Despite the US economy on a massively upward turn, people weren’t feeling it in their pockets. Also the MAGA movement has the vast majority of media at their disposal: 18 of the top 20 podcasters in the US are right wing. Fox has a far bigger viewership than MSNBC. There is no BBC or Sky in the states, trying to give objective news, merely polemicists on both sides. The US model shows us that if we lose the BBC or SKY objectivity models we’re doomed.