Wilbur - a Eulogy
I called J as I was passing the house. That happy/sad feeling of nostalgia.
Like listening to an Abba song.
Wilbur ran out to see me, falling base over apex, but he recognised me instantly. I think we were both in shock at seeing each other again.
I was once contemplating setting up a website called Wilbur’s Shits, which rather like those swatches of marbles and granites would show the subtleties and differences from say yellow ochre to jet black with carrots in.
I never did it of course but now I’ve given you the idea, haven’t I?
I’m good at that. Many of Rob Porteous’s commercials were my ideas.
I never did get that pint, Rob…
Anyway, Wilbur was a year old when I met him. I didn't like him at first. He used to sleep on the bed, and I would shoo him off. He would try and eat everything. He would have these frond like hairs over his face that used to drive me nuts.
I just thought it was slovenly.
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Always one for the underdog, was Wilbur. |
Over time, I gave up and actively encouraged him to sleep on our bed, made canapés for him, introduced him to the finest cheeses in the world, took him to D&D sessions, and shared bananas and other exotic foodstuffs with him.
He rarely moved, choosing to teleport instead with pizza in his gob, out to the garden to munch it.
He would growl if you came near him - only when he got older.
I used to say he was the only one who was pleased to see me when I got home from work.
He came on games holiday with me. It all went wrong when he discovered the compost patch on the farm we were staying and after gorging himself on rotten apples barfed it all up at 2am in my room.
He was a puker and a shitter; that much is true.
In fact he was obsessed with food. Like a lot of show-cockers, he possessed an under-active thyroid and by the end was blind with cataracts, deaf, senile and had had some strokes.
I ended up loving Wilbur, and it was great to see him just before he shook off this mortal bone.
Dogs are just great.
We see in them the kindness, honesty and unconditional love we wish we possessed as humans.
US Election and what now?
Some people don’t understand how you can get so embroiled in US politics when you don’t live there.
I’d say the repercussions on the geo-politics of the world are going to be felt by everyone.
Trump's policy of isolationism is going to affect the war in Ukraine, the world’s economies, Europe, the balance of power with India, China and Russia, not to mention Taiwan…
The tariffs alone will affect our GDP and growth. and Europe's even more.
(As an aside there has been a spike in search terms on Google for "What is a tariff?" and "Are tariffs good?" in swing states, after the election...)
Just watching the election post-mortems on YouTube, TV and in the paper. I know I know - these are ancient monoliths people have no time for anymore.
Frank Zappa said American culture can be summed up in ‘what’s the bottom line?’ I recognise people hadn’t felt Biden’s policies had improved their cost of living, and the Democrats were talking or accused of being obsessed with identity politics.
However, the economy is booming, more jobs have been created than in decades, people are - despite the prevailing zeitgeist - improving their standard of living. And yet and yet...
"They're poisoning the blood of our country."
"They're eating the dogs and cats; people's pets."
Blaming poor people and immigrants, the traditional methods of the far right.
Zappa also warned of America turning into a fascist theocracy in time, which most people of course ignored.
Check out a guy called Doug Coe and an institution called “The Fellowship”. A covert organisation whose intention was to make Christianity at the heart of US politics, despite the Founding Fathers writing a deliberately secular constitution.
You can see it all starting in the 80s with the Reagans.
By the way, it’s intentionally non-publicity seeking.
So back to 2024, the Democrats went knocking door-to-door, but the data they were using wasn’t effective in targeting the people Trump’s team had already got through to using digital media.
What the electorate heard were (justifiable) attacks on Trump’s character rather than what would benefit them.
Democrats laughing at people who are clearly dumb and ignorant (MAGA) who don’t agree with you, didn’t help.
It’s easy to see 5 minutes after the event some of what went wrong..
As Vlad Vexler pointed out, we live in a world of Post-Truth, authoritarian populists who disguise themselves in traditionally Conservative clothing.
They communicate disinformation repeatedly in 5-10 second bites on TikTok. No time for reasoned discussion. No time for journalism.
Fox News, Rumble; 18 of the top 20 political podcasts are MAGA-supporting. The left or centre are losing the information war.
40 ex-high profile employees of Trump's previous administration have been vocal in their condemnation of Trump saying he is a fascist and utterly unsuited for the position of POTUS.
Can you name any other president whose previous employees have done that?
What’s so good about democracy anyway?
I thought the whole point of modern democracy was we could get these guys out after 4/5 years get our guys in, and the whole system balances itself out over time.
That will not be the case anymore in many countries. Hungary and Turkey spring to mind immediately.
In the 90s, after Apartheid and the Soviet Union had fallen, the world felt genuinely good. There was a visceral optimism about where the world was and where it was heading.
How naive we were!
Of course, it proved to be just a blip.
Move forward to 2024
"Don't bring politics into this!"
Well, I will if you mention Christian nationalists in an anodyne context when they are in fact rather unpleasant people.
Maybe you could learn something by what I'm telling you rather than shoot it down in flames? After all in the 80s during Apartheid, people said the same thing.
"Politics shouldn't come into sport!"
Say that to black athletes not allowed to take part in the Olympics, rugby or cricket because of their skin colour.
Have we all forgotten this or are we simply unaware or uninterested in our most recent past?
When one is tired of Gurn', one is tired of life...
Well, Wells actually, but Gurn’ sounds better.
Jesus it’s small. I haven’t really established the social life I wanted here. Evenings spent inside, drinking, playing on the computer. Not ideal.
Wandering up and down the barren streets, with the exception of market days when it's joyously bustling,
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An astonishingly acute case of gonorrhoea... |
The people I know have busy lives and why should I expect them to make an effort when I haven’t with them prior to living here?
Cue trips away visiting friends. More reading and watching of substantial things. I no longer watch TV other than the news, partly because if something doesn’t grab me entirely - and I’m prepared to watch a couple of episodes - I’m going to drop it.
I feel the content of most dramas is so lazy or algorhythmical that they just don’t merit watching.
"Oo, let's see how many willies we can get into this programme!" seems to be the remit for most programming.
And Michael Macintyre and Simon Cowell and their ilk must die.
Trumpian I know...
Of course, I should be more gregarious but what with the executive functions almost always offline, it’s difficult.
Bath beckons. So even does Glastonbury, if only - like Camden Market - to remind myself why I haven’t been there for years, and therefore prevent any more silly deluded thoughts for another few years.
Glad you got to see your faithful hound Wilbur and I do remember him being remarkably adept at scooping up canapés at the trot. Let’s hope doggo heaven is massive cheese and haggis festival of rainbow 🌈 light. I have shared DD for Americans to chew over. I agree reds played a more thorough persuasion game-dammit.