Monday, August 22, 2022

My Brain has Stalled...

Have you seen my sausage?

 I talk a good game at times. Like a lot of people I have great advice for everyone on how to live. 

Today I am on the struggle bus, as J calls it. 

We walk 3 dogs every morning. Today X's Dachshund ran off in the woods. For 40 minutes we were in stress-city calling him, chasing him, calling him again. Hearing him bark in the distance. 

The other 2 dogs  - Wilbur especially - were getting stressed by it all. Why weren't we moving? Canine panic!

For us humans it was worse on J than it was for me. The very thought of losing another person's dog is so horribly stressful.

Eventually we got him. He had crossed the road a few times (not good) and I managed to lure him from 20 feet. He'd obviously scared himself witless and it was a huge relief to all. 

When we got home J had to jump straight into work. 

That's not the best way to start the week of course.

I can hear J upstairs. Sounds like she's up against it at work but I may be wrong. 

Me, I just can't get going, which is why I'm writing this.

I had a list of things to do - admin things relating to closing down my business. They'll wait till tomorrow.

I have some other things to do - physical stuff like putting some weeds and plants through the garden mincer and cutting a tile for a neighbour's DIY project. I can do those and at least they will be the boxes that I tick today,

Let's not set our sights too high today: listen to my body; listen to my brain.

I ❤️ Unimogs

Like a lot of men my age I'm notoriously difficult (in general too it must be said) but specifically in this instance with regards to buying presents for. 

So for Xmas my family had taken note of me extoling the many virtues of Unimogs - 4 wheel drive utility lorries made by a division of Mercedes - so they got me a driving experience with one!

Now me being me I left the gift card on the bookcase and did little about it as with FTD your executive functions become increasingly inert. After all, it's much safer here in front of the computer surrounded with D&D books.

Cue stepson Ben who prompted me to act, and we booked the session in for Saturday 20th August. We drove there - 5 of us - (leaving the dogs to be capably looked after by a neighbour's son) and had a very pleasant afternoon at in the heart of Kent.

I'd never done off-roading before but it was really fun. Unimogs are quite different to regular vehicles. The 1984 model I drove had 10 gears and lever to make it go forward or reverse, so it was possible (if you were mad) to drive it at 70MPH in reverse. 

It's a very mechanical vehicle and and a very enjoyable experience pootling along. 

I would thoroughly recommend it. 

By the way, I was knackered in the evening, falling asleep on the sofa. J pointed out that it was not the 45 mins of driving the Unimog, but the socialising I had done that day that had done for me. 

And she was spot on.

Dream car...

What is there left to do?

  • Sell van
  • Liquidate (or whatever term they use) company
  • Transfer stuff over to me after taxes etc
  • Sort out the garden
  • Decorate J's bedroom
  • Decorate Ben's old bedroom
  • Other stuff.
That is a lot of stuff. Easy to become quickly overwhelmed. I must break it down into smaller pieces or I'll be having sleepless nights. 

There's always so much to do isn't there?

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